Transitioning to a holistic way of life

I am a recovering Web M.D. addict.

For the past several years, I have suffered from a variety of autoimmune disorders. Medical professionals have met my concerns with irritation and often rush me out of their office with bottles and tubes of medicine. Not once have these so-called experts thought about me as whole person. The last straw was this April when my primary doctor diagnosed the  constant tingling sensation throughout my legs, arms, and hands (that often keeps me awake at night) as stress from school and so he prescribed Zoloft.

Here I am, almost four months later, with persistent tingling accompanied by occasional pain in my spine and lower abdomen. My hair has continued to fall out. I’m more tired than usual, even when I have had a full night’s rest. I have constant headaches, a throat that seems to always be hoarse, and splotchy skin that feels drier than normal. Did I mention that I suffered through a traumatic miscarriage at six months pregnant last year? Surely, there is something going on with me but do you think he cared? I’ve had enough of receiving shoddy healthcare.

In the past, I have tried to be as mindful  as possible (especially for a twenty-three year old) about healthy versus non-healthy choices. However, I can do much better. Forget about what my medical doctor thinks of me, I love me. It’s time for me to advocate for myself. The first step is to be honest about the state of the entirety of me and how each system (i.e integumentary, endocrine, digestive, ect.) is dependent on the balance that I do or do not strike in my life.

I know that I will not be able to turn everything around overnight but what is most important is I want to change. I’m more than prepared to make it happen. For me.

19 thoughts on “Transitioning to a holistic way of life

  1. Thanks for sharing your experience with Western healthcare. Self-care is almost counter-intuitive to many of us, so it really takes some self-reflection to come back to our senses. Good luck on your journey. ❤


  2. I am glad you have come to the decision to love yourself and advocate change for yourself. You couldn’t be in better hands.This sounds like it’s been frustrating for you. I can empathise to a degree. From my own experience of health issues I have decided to take GP and medical appointments with a pinch of salt. I don’t agree with the ethos of “this is what I think is wrong with you, try this drug and hope for the best”. From what I’ve learned, the body works as a whole and needs balance.I have seen this first hand. GPS and general health care, in my opinion, is about drug funding and statistics which is very impersonal. I don’t find it’s a conversation and don’t feel listened to. I wish you success!


    1. Sorry for such a delayed response. I’ve been quite busy with my internship. You are so right about the negative one-sided interactions that are so typical of general health care. Hopefully, you follow my wellness journey on my blog. Thanks for your comment.


  3. They told me it was eczema and dermatitis over the past years, but it is apparently related to the gluten. My immune system kicking up a ruckus over the “poisonous” gluten in my gut. It’s pretty interesting once you start reading about how it all works.
    Explains a lot to me.

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  4. Here in Canada, they do a blood test for sensitivity/intolerance first. IF it shows positive, you have endoscopy done so they can have a look at your stomach and the villa and take biopsies of the lining. The results are what gives you a positive diagnosis here.
    Hope that helps.
    Just a question: do you have any skin issues? Like rough bumps anywhere randomly? Google symptoms for celiac.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Okay, I will see if I can have one done. I was going to try to do an elimination diet which I’ve read is like the “gold standard” of food sensitivity testing but a blood test is obviously quicker than that. I actually do have skin issues right now. Several months ago, I randomly had eczema behind my ear and I do have random bumps on my calves right now. My skin feels drier than normal as well.


      1. Don’t eliminate wheat until after the testing is done. Maybe just keep a food diary with how you feel after eating bread or pasta etc until the testing is completed. I have eczema too..except it isn’t eczema. 😜

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Okay, I will keep everything and see what happens. It’s funny you mention a food diary–I just bought one. I’ll call and schedule an appointment. See, I have never had eczema before until this year which makes no sense. I have had dermatitis since puberty. If you don’t have eczema, what do you have?


  5. That tingling in your legs could be due to gluten intolerance.
    I was recently diagnosed with Celiac, and just never gave it a thought that it could be related, until I basically researched for three days straight.
    A lot of autoimmune diseases go hand in hand, by the way.
    Hope you figure out what’s going on.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Yes!!! Giving up my prescription anxiety, insomnia, and depression drugs and switching over to whole, plant foods and a healthy amount of exercise and sunshine has made all the difference for me. Good luck ❤️

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